Friday, September 16, 2011

English 10: September 19-23

Hello Sophomores!

Welcome to week SEVEN! Time is veritably whirling by! It's almost time for class Poetry Out Loud Competition. Be sure to have your poem memorized for recitation by next week.

This week, we will have a short test on Native American Literature and we will move on to early colonial literature. We will start by looking at a history and an journal from two different colonists, William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, which tells the early history of Plymouth colony in Massachusetts, and William Byrd's History of the Dividing Line, a journal which satirizes the colonists of Jamestown, Virginia. You will learn the difference between a history and a journal, how to recognize satire and what it is used for, and some of the problems of the early colonists. Be prepared to compare and contrast these two writers and their ideas about the colonists. Also, be prepared, based on Byrd's description, to compare Native American religion to that of the Virginia colonists, and from that comparison, draw a conclusion about Byrd's purpose in presenting the Native American religion.

In addition to these activities, we will continue our review of verbals. You will likely have quizzes on each, gerunds, participles, and infinitives. When we finish our unit on the phrase, you will have a test on verbals, appositives, and prepositional phrases.

One last thing to remember: we will review lesson seven in vocabulary, so bring your workbooks and study for Friday's quiz.

See you in class!

Mrs. SO

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