Monday, September 26, 2011

Week Eight PreAPEnglish 10: September 26-30

Well, Sophomores, the first quarter is almost complete.

We have lots to do and little time in which to do it. To begin, we will have another vocabulary quiz this week. Lesson 5 words are here.

1. acrimonious ak ruh MONE ee us caustic
Synonyms >>Antonym >> cordial
The prisoner of war had acrimonious remarks for those that mistreated him.
Derivatives >> acrimony, acrimoniously, acrimoniousness

2. ameliorate uh MEE lee o rate to make better, to relieve, to improve
Synonyms >>Antonym >> to make worse; to aggravate
Social workers attempt to ameliorate the conditions of people living in the slum areas.
Derivatives >> ameliorated, ameliorating, ameliorable, ameliorant, ameliorative, ameliorator, amelioration

3. amenable uh MEN uh bul open to or willing to follow advice or suggestion, tractable, malleable
Synonyms >> docile, obedient Antonym >> unwilling
Since I like him and usually agree with him, I am always amenable to listening to his ideas.
Derivatives >> amenability, amenableness, amenably

4. amorphous uh MOR fuss shapeless, having no definite form
Synonyms >>Antonym >> structured
In the science fiction movie, the amorphous mass terrorized the town.
Derivatives >> amorphously, amorphousness, amorphism

5. buoyant BOY unt capable of floating; cheerful
Synonyms >> Antonym >> likely to sink
Because the log was buoyant, it stayed afloat. The girl's buoyant spirit made her pleasant company.
Derivatives >> buoyancy, buoyance, buoyantly, buoyantness, buoy

6. cajole kuh JOLE to persuade with deliberate flattery, to coax, to wheedle
Synonyms >>Antonym >> to browbeat
I will not be cajoled into allowing you to stay up past your bedtime.
Derivatives >> cajoled, cajoling, cajolery, cajoleries, cajolement, cajoler

7. calamity kuh LAM uh tee a serious event causing distress or misfortune
Synonyms >> cataclysm, catastrophe Antonym >> good fortune
The earthquake in Mexico was a calamity.
Derivatives >> calamitous, calamitously, calamitousness

8. debase deh BASE to reduce in dignity or quality
Synonyms >> abase, corrupt, debauch, demean, deprave, pervert, vitiate Antonym >> to glorify
Do not debase yourself by swearing.
Derivatives >> debased, debasing, debasement, debaser, debasingly

9. efface eh FASE to erase, to wear away
Synonyms >>Antonym >> to make conspicuous
The date on the coin has been effaced.
Derivatives >> effaceable, effacement, effacer

10. elucidate eh LOO seh date to make clear, to explain
Synonyms >> explicate, expound Antonym >> to confuse
I will try to elucidate some of the important changes in the tax code.
Derivatives >> elucidation, elucidative, elucidatory, elucidator

11. ephemeral eh FEM ur ul lasting a short period of time, fleeting
Synonyms >> evanescent, fleeting, fugitive, transient, transitory Antonym >> lasting; timeless; eternal
The microorganism had an ephemeral lifespan. It died shortly after it was created.
Derivatives >> ephemerally, ephemerality, ephemeralness, ephemeron, ephemerous
12. ferocity fuh ROS eh tee savagery
Synonyms >>Antonym >> mildness
A tiger is an animal that has ferocity.
Derivatives >> ferocious, ferociously, ferociousness

13. flourish FLUR ish to thrive, to grow well
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to wither
The company flourished after a new board of directors took control.
Derivatives >> flourisher, flourishing, flourishingly, flourishy

14. haughty HAW tee arrogant, excessively proud and vain
Synonyms >> disdainful, high-handed, insolent, lordly, supercilious Antonym >> humble
Being quarterback of the football team does not give him the right to be haughty.
Derivatives >> haughtily, haughtiness

15. impervious im PUR vee us incapable of being entered or penetrated, not capable of being damaged
Synonyms >>Antonym >> penetrable
Because this watch is impervious to water , I can go swimming while wearing it.
Derivatives >> imperviously, imperviousness

16. inane eh NANE lacking significance, meaning, or point; silly, insipid
Synonyms >> banal, flat, jejune, vapid Antonym >> pertinent; intelligent; significant
Your comments are inane and are preventing the discussion of the main topic.
Derivatives >> inanely, inanity, inanition

17. indolence IN duh luns laziness
Synonyms >> slothfulness Antonym >> industriousness
The hot and humid weather in the tropics encourages indolence.
Derivatives >> indolent, indolency, indolently

18. infallible in FAL uh bul incapable of error
Synonyms >>Antonym >> erroneous; fallacious
Since everyone makes mistakes, no human is infallible.
Derivatives >> infallibilism, infallibilist, infallibility, infallibleness, infallibly

19. inscrutable in SKROO tuh bul difficult to understand; mysterious
Synonyms >> Antonym >> clear; readable; understandable
He had us all confused with his inscrutable smile.
Derivatives >> inscrutableness, inscrutably, inscrutability

20. languid LANG gwid slow, sluggish, listless, weak
Synonyms >> lethargic, stuporous, torpid Antonym >> animated
The old man's walk was languid, each pace requiring great effort.
Derivatives >> languidly, languidness, languish, languisher, languishing, languishment

21. malice MAL is desire to harm others
Synonyms >> malevolence, malignity, spite, spleen Antonym >> concern
His death was caused by malice and was not accidental.
Derivatives >> maliceful, malicious, maliciously, maliciousness

22. oblique uh BLEEK slanting, indirect, evasive, devious, misleading
Synonyms >> Antonym >> direct
Because of the suspect's oblique answers, our interrogation of him led us in the wrong direction.
Derivatives >> obliquate, obliquation, obliquely, obliqueness, obliquely

23. opulence OP yuh luns wealth, affluence, abundance
Synonyms >> Antonym >> meagerness, scarcity
Until the recent decline in the price of oil, the Hunt name was synonymous with opulence.
Derivatives >> opulent, opulently

24. penitent PEN eh tunt showing or feeling regret for wrongdoing, repentant
Synonyms >> compunctual, contrite, remorseful Antonym >> unrepentant
He became penitent when he realized that his prank resulted in serious injury.
Derivatives >> penitence, penitency, penitential

25. perfunctory pur FUNGK tuh ree acting routinely with little interest or care
Synonyms >> Antonym >> concerned; diligent
Due to his perfunctory manner of inspecting the factory, he did not notice some serious problems.
Derivatives >> perfunctorily, perfunctoriness, perfunctorious, perfunctoriously

We will also have our Poetry Out Loud competition and our final discussion of Julius Caesar before writing a timed essay on that play. If time permits, we'll start our study of American literature. Get ready for a full week ahead!
Oh, and do not forget your Julius Caesar projects are due the first day after break. 

See you in class!

Mrs. SO

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